Top 6 Ways to Stay Away From Drug Addiction

It is a big problem that most of the youth are addicted to drugs. Some of them started it while they were young and some of them are even starting it when they are already adults. If you are addicted to drugs, then you are not alone. Many people are addicted to drugs and they are in trouble. Why are we addicted to drugs? Drugs are usually used for the pleasure and the relaxation of the body. They can be smoked or drunk and you can even inhale the smoke of cigarettes. But when you use the drugs for the wrong purpose, it is not good for you. Drugs make our brain happy and the body relaxes itself. But if you abuse it, then it will make you dependent on it and you won’t be able to stay away from it. You will have a feeling of numbness. The mind will feel lazy and the body will feel heavy. Some of the drugs that are used by the youth are: · Smoking · Cocaine · ...