Depression Demystified: Expert Advice from a Psychiatrist
Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions in the United States, and it can be a difficult condition to understand. It’s important to get professional help if you think you may be suffering from depression, but there are also ways to start understanding this condition on your own. To demystify depression and provide expert advice on how best to cope with it, we spoke with psychiatrist in Indore Dr. Apurva Tiwari for her insights into this complex issue. Dr. Apurva Tiwari explained that while depression can manifest differently in different people—some might experience sadness or lack of energy while others feel irritable or have difficulty concentrating—it all boils down to an overall feeling of hopelessness and helplessness about life circumstances that seem unchangeable or out of control (which could include anything from financial stressors like unemployment or relationship issues). She stressed that getting help as soon as possible is key; when le...